Request from Russia

Publié le par Zartampion

Valentin m'a envoyé ce joli spam mail, heureusement comme il fait les choses bien il a directement envoyé ça dans ma boîte à spams. Comme c'est assez important, et étant d'une sympathie sans égale, genre grand humanitaire, je le partage avec vous.

Partage... partage... hmm quelque part je me demande si cet acte que j'accomplis n'est pas la preuve que j'ai déjà la fibre communiste voire même poutiniste. Mais lisez plutôt... 

Avertissement aux personnes sensibles, aux femmes enceintes et aux personnes de petites tailles (que je salue, marie, par la même occasion) : c'est en anglais, genre ce russe il parle pas français.

Dear Friend,

Please excuse me for any inconvience caused by this message.

My name is Valentin. I am student and I live with my mother in the suburb of city Kaluga, Russia, 200km from Moskow. My mother is invalid. She cannot see and she receive pension from government, very rare, that is not enough even for medications.

I work very hard every day to be able to buy the necessities and medications for my mother, but my salary is very small, because my studies still not finished.  

Because of the crisis authorities recently stoped gas in our district and we cannot heat our home anymore. I do not know what to do, because the winter is coming and the weather can be lower than minus 20 degrees Celsiy. I'm very afraid that temperature will be lower than 0 degree in our home and we will not be able to survive.

I applied to local Red Cross and they said me that many people ask them for help every day and they cannot help to each poor family.  They adviced me apply to Red Cross, located in Moskow, since they have more possibilities to help.  I did send letter to them and they asked me for documents, which confirm our situation.  I did send documents and within a month they answered me the fact that they help only peoples who live in Moscow and adviced ask for assistance private people.  

Thanks to free Internet access into our library I collected different email addresses and decided to appeal to you with prayer in my heart for a small help. If you have any old sleeping bag, warm blanket, warm clothes, any portable heater, canned food, vitamines, medicine against cold weather, any hygiene products, I will be very grateful you, if you could send it to our address:  

Valentin Mikhailyn,
Ryleeva 6-45,
Kaluga. 248030.

If you think that it would be better or easier for you to help with some money, please writes back to me and I will provide you details how to send it safely, if you agree.  This way to help is very good, because in this case I will be able to buy portable stove and heat our sleeping room during winter.

I hope hear of you very soon and I pray that you will help us survive this winter.  I hope also very much that this hard situation will become better in our country very soon.  

I send many thanks to you in advance for your kind understanding.  Excuse me please again for any possible inconvience, which I could cause you by sending this message.  

Valentin and my mother.  
Kaluga. Russia.

Bon par contre ce qui me chiffonne un peu c'est qu'il essaie de nousfaire croire que sa mère a écrit le mail, franchement pour cette partie-là je n'y crois pas une seule seconde. Du coup je ne suis plus très sûr de lui envoyer des chocolats Mon Chéri pour sa fête.

Bande-son : Air ¤ Talkie Walkie

Publié dans Spam à fautes

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